2024 is off to a good start. It's hard to believe it's almost March! Our New Years' resolution was to move around more in 2024. We want to be able to connect with all of you & to do that, we want to come to you. We will still be on Owasso on a regular basis, but the plan is to travel several times a month around the area. Below are some of the upcoming events we already have book, but we are always looking for more - so if you know of an event or even a business that would be willing to partner with us - let us know.
Feb 23 Cityplex 11-2
March 23 OKGo Market at the Tulsa Exchance Center
April 11 Collinsville Merchants on Main
April 20 Sand Springs Herb Festival
May 2 We plan to apply for Owasso's Gathering on Main
May 9 Collinsville Merchants on Main
May 18 Town Creek Spring Craft Event in Tahlequah 10-6
You may have noticed the website isn't being maintained. This was a hold over from our home bakery and unfortunately I'm a one person show. Make sure to follow us on Facebook for up to date news & announcements.